
The launch of the African Jersey Forum (AJF) and establishment of this website is a joint initiative led by the Royal Jersey Agricultural & Horticultural Society (RJA&HS) and generously funded by Jersey Overseas Aid (JOA). In recent years, JOA has been supporting the RJA&HS to implement individual country projects in dairy with a Jersey breed focus (see below). In 2019 we jointly launched the AJF to promote regional cooperation and coordination in our efforts and those of other donors and actors in the Jersey breed led elements of the African dairy sector. We have a joint long-term vision of promoting awareness of and research into the Jersey breed as a solution to the challenges of increasing African dairy profitability and productivity in a sustainable manner.  The AJF is intended to act as a platform to facilitate this vision, and is established in collaboration with the World Jersey Cattle Bureau (WJCB), as the international umbrella organisation of national and regional Jersey breed associations. Find out more about our key partners below.

Jersey Overseas Aid

Formed in 1968, JOA is an international aid agency funded by the States of Jersey. JOA funds projects targeting sustainable development in some of the poorest and most vulnerable communities in the world, and is staffed by a team of full-time development professionals with oversight from six unpaid commissioners (both States and non-States).  In recent years, JOA has adopted a more targeted funding strategy, funding larger and more long-term projects in three targeted focus areas – Dairy for Development, Financial Inclusion, and Conservation Livelihoods. Dairy for Development was chosen as a focus area due to the Island’s local expertise in the subject, and the sustainable development benefits which dairying can provide for low-income communities.

Royal Jersey Agricultural & Horticultural Society

The RJA&HS is a private organisation founded in 1833The RJA&HS has a long history of developing dairy industries around the world, with export of pure-bred Jersey cattle beginning in the 18th century and expanding rapidly in the 19th and 20th centuries. The Society now works in a range of countries with partners including charities, private companies, universities and farmer associations, strengthening dairying from farm level to national level, to improve the incomes and food security of vulnerable people. The Society leads three focused Dairy for Development projects – in Rwanda, Malawi and Ethiopia – funded by JOA, and also works with international and national stakeholders to support research and policy dialogue.

World Jersey Cattle Bureau

The World Jersey Cattle Bureau (WJCB) is an umbrella organisation representing Jersey breeders and their national organisations around the world. There are five world regions of the Bureau – Africa, Asia/Oceania, Europe, Latin America and North America. Each region has a dedicated Vice President, elected by the WJCB Council. The Bureau aims to: promote co-operation, research and education between those with an interest in the Jersey breed; to provide an advisory and co-ordination role for Jersey breed associations (but without jurisdiction over their internal affairs); to promote improved breeding, feeding and management practices; to promote the breed internationally; and, to encourage youth participation and exchange visits between member countries. The Bureau organises regular conferences, study tours and learning events around the world, including most recently in 2019 in Kigali, Rwanda in a conference entitled ‘Why Dairy, Why Jersey?’ which explored the role of Jersey cattle in developing economies.