Malawi dairy project selected for livestock innovation database

Wednesday 24th November 2021

The Royal Jersey Agricultural & Horticultural Society (RJA&HS) is pleased to have contributed to an online database that illustrates 20 innovative projects aimed at improving resilience of smallholder farmers through upgrading livestock systems. Our contribution focuses on the Malawi Dairy Growth (MDG) Phase II project (2021-2024), managed by the RJA&HS, implemented by the Shire Highlands Milk Producers’ Association (SHMPA), and funded by Jersey Overseas Aid (JOA).

The online database showcases how livestock keepers around the world are adapting and becoming more resilient in the face of climate change. The map highlights the vast potential for promoting climate resilience that exists in livestock around the world. This includes livestock breeds that are more tolerant of heat or drought, climate-adapted livestock feeds and data-driven tools to help livestock keepers and governments anticipate extreme conditions.

The project is an initiative from SEBI-Livestock (the Centre for Supporting Evidence-Based Interventions in Livestock) and Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) Community of Practice, based out of the Royal Dick School of Veterinary Studies at the University of Edinburgh.

View the Malawi case study and others here: